
Love This

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Manchester Remembers...

Manchester Remembers. It's a phrase I've seen a lot of today. It took a few minutes to click, but then I remembered. A year ago today, a terrorist set off a bomb in the Manchester Arena, killing himself and 22 others, as they were leaving an Ariana Grande concert. There were quite a few events around Manchester today in remembrance. I have lived in Manchester for almost 9 months now, and it is one of the most interesting and best places that I have ever lived. The people that I have met are wonderful, and I enjoy seeing the worker bee symbol, literally, everywhere. The worker bee symbol showed up during the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, but since last year it has become a symbol for unity and strength. A year ago I didn't yet know that I would be living in Manchester. I knew I would be somewhere in The United Kingdom, but two days after the attack I found out that the church where I am working now wanted to interview me, and then in early June I got the official word. My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones in the attack last year, it's hard losing loved ones in any circumstance, but I can't imagine the pain of losing someone to such a horrible act of violence. From what I have experienced, Manchester knows how to pull together, and I love it here, and it will be very hard to leave. Manchester Remembers, and I will remember Manchester.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Mary, the Mother of Jesus

Last night, May 6th, at St. Chrysostom's Church, we had an evening celebrating Mary, the Mother of Jesus. It was really interesting, because in the Lutheran church, we talk about Mary a bit, when the angel Gabriel comes to make his big life-altering announcement and then she's mentioned a few other times in the Gospels, but other than that, she pretty much fades into the background, so I've never really known a lot about her. In some Anglican churches here, Mary is a central figure, and in the church where I work, the month of May is referred to as Mary's month. Having an entire evening devoted to her was a new thing for me, but it was a lovely service, and I did get to hide behind the altar table and run the slideshow, and no one even knew I was back there until the end, when Father Ian, in his thank you's, announced that I had been the one running the slideshow :) So it was interesting to know why Mary is revered more in some denominations, and I'm glad I got to be a part of that.