
Love This

Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Importance of Grace in My Life

Sometimes things happen, and someone says to me, "You just have to give yourself some grace." So I think to myself, "I have a friend named Grace, I wonder if that counts?" :) My friend Grace is a rock star. It's really weird to think that at this time last year, I didn't even know her. I didn't even know that she existed in the world. It just proves that God has a way of placing people in our lives at the right time, because this year Grace and I are YAGMs in the the United Kingdom, and we both live in Manchester. Grace has actually become one of my seven best friends. I appreciate her so much. She's always willing to listen to my nonsense, gives me a hug when I need one, understands me when I don't make sense, or when I am being incredibly vague. She's also very logical, which is good, because I am sometimes logical and sometimes the opposite of logical. Illogical? Unlogical? One of those :). She also has this way with words, I can't really describe it, but I wish I was that good with words. She just always makes my heart happy, and I am always grateful for every moment we get to spend together. She always reminds me of my value when I am feeling not valuable, and she always listens to my nonsense :) I am blessed to have her in my life, there's no one I would rather be doing Manchester with this year. A year ago I didn't know her, but now I can't imagine my life without her. So when someone says to me, "Give yourself some grace..." I know how to do that, and I also have Grace ❤️

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